Marketing experts may know about creating the best message offline but that doesn’t always translate into an effective message online. Offline and online marketing work differently.
Online an effective message is one that people can relate to, can engage with and identify with in their online communities. Your current branding can be adapted to suit online marketing simply by the way you present it.
The most important online branding element
The most important thing when branding yourself online is consistency. Consistency being defined as,‘the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time’. So your message, image and way of presenting yourself or your business should be the same throughout all social media platforms and through all your conversations.
It’s one thing to have your website and banner ads looking the same but what about your social media marketing efforts? As social media becomes a core part of any business’ marketing plan, your brand and message should follow through and be familiar. From your website through to all your social networking accounts.
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