The first step in successful online insurance marketing is choosing, what people are actually searching for online. You may rank #1 in Google for a few key phrases but if nobody actually types in those words you’ll never be seen. However, there are many search phrases that are just too competitive to even try to rank well for. So, where do you find that happy middle ground? That’s where we’re starting today…
The first tool I recommend you get, and one if you plan on doing any long term marketing online is a must have, is Market Samurai. I’ve had this for about a year now and only recently have begun to really use it to a fraction of its potential. I’ve used it mainly for pay-per-click campaign research and now have found it invaluable to finding keywords that I can rank quickly, provide traffic, and monitor my site’s ranking in all the search engines. This is the tool I’ll reference throughout most of what you’ll be learning here and can’t recommend it enough. Go download the free trial and give it a shot.
Once you’ve downloaded and installed Market Samurai, you can start your first campaign. I’m going to use ‘home insurance’ throughout this series but it will apply the same for health, life, auto and any other line of insurance. The principle is to find a keyword that is easy to rank well for that also has some natural search engine traffic.
In these short videos you’ll learn how to search for keywords that get traffic and identify opportunities to rank fast. First you’ll see a keyword that would not be ideal to go after. Then you’ll learn how to find keywords that get targeted traffic and are easier to rank on the first page of Google and other search engines.
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